Ok ladies time to amp up and clean out those closets! Which means it is also time to get some spring shopping on! That is why I’ve been devoting tons of my free time to perusing through the internet to find cute stuff on the cheap ^_^ There is nothing more I like than an affordable bargain that is will make me feel better wearing it 😉

Here is a little secret about me…I’m a complete tom girl, usually. In the past several years though my girly side has really started to seep through. What happened to me? Pink happened! One day I fell in love with pink and it kind of went down/up hill from there. The great news is I’m trying to use my new obsession for good! That is why I started this blog (spurred on by pinterest, omg I KNOW).

Oh yes there is probably something else that you should know about me and will probably soon find out (if anyone ends up following this blog at all) is that I am a scarf-aholoic :s This could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how much you like scarves. For me I have several hanging in my closet already and possibly more soon to come 0_0 No worries though I’m looking out for our pocketbooks while keeping in mind our beauty needs 🙂

So viva la scarf!